
‘All for one and one for all’ – VIVE LA FRANCE!  THis beautiful artwork produced in 1990 – 1998, features representatives of the majorr allied forces bearing their respective flags as troops with fixed bayonets wait in the trenches behind – The picture was used to announce a ‘mass meeting’ on the French National Holidaym July 14th at 5pm – THE original artist was James Montgomery Glagg – what a patriotic vision of cooperation and brotherhood between fighting forces – Very nicely framed!

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‘All for one and one for all’ – VIVE LA FRANCE!  THis beautiful artwork produced in 1990 – 1998, features representatives of the majorr allied forces bearing their respective flags as troops with fixed bayonets wait in the trenches behind – The picture was used to announce a ‘mass meeting’ on the French National Holidaym July 14th at 5pm – THE original artist was James Montgomery Glagg – what a patriotic vision of cooperation and brotherhood between fighting forces – Very nicely framed!